Python: Beginner Projects

Projects in Python

Password Manager & Generator GUI TK

Python:Password Manager & Generator

Program that helps to manage and  generates strong passwords and stores them encoded for your security.

Password manager and Generator


GUI Bulk file renamer TK

Rename easily your files in directory

Python GUI: Bulk File Renamer

GUI File Renamer


Email bot

Automate answering for Email with specific Title.

Email answer bot


IRC People Finder

Tool for finding same people on different IRC networks.

IRC same people finder on different networks


Pizza ordering system

Pizza Order tool. Take the order, add toppings, counts the daily orders.

Pizza order system


Bulk File renamer

Tool in Python for bulk file renaming in a directory.

Rename bulk files

Bulk file mover

Python tool that makes easy moving files from one folder to another.

Bulk File Mover


Find the files that contain specific word.

File finder with specific word.


Makes easy to create a links to specific part of the website.

Database of People

Tool to store people details.

Add People to small database, change their details, find and display their details.
Database of People

Vimart Marketer

Tool allowing to send bulk emails.

You can load emails addresses from the file or get them from emails in your inbox.
Vimart-Email Marketer

Display & Change

Small program that slideshows the pictures in a directory after.


Guess the number

Text based game in which player must guess random number.


Guess the Word Game

 Text based game


Find the longest word in a file.

Python tool which find the longest word in a file.

Longest word finder
